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Subject: Re: AJB 20 Analog recording

Re: AJB 20 Analog recording

From: Lasse <>
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 23:30:54 +0100


I had thoughts in the same direction and I will try different alternatives
out just to see if it is my other hardware that are malfunctioning.

At this stage I was interested in seeing if someone else had the same
problem. I will try to isolate the source of the problem and get back asap.

Best regards


"Chris Holt" <> skrev i meddelandet
> On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 21:40:47 +0100, Lasse wrote:
> >I just made a new recording of the same song and this time
> >everything worked
> >perfect. This is what is confusing, the problem occurs, as it seems,
> >by
> >random.
> >
> >So I would still be grateful to anyone coming up with a hint.
> >
> >Best regards
> >
> >Lasse
> You should troubleshoot this with a process of elimination. You haven't
> said if you have recorded from other sources, so the turntable, preamp,
> etc. are still possible suspects. You haven't said that you tried other
> cables or double checked the integrity of the connections. (have you
> "played" with the cables while recording to see if you can induce the
> problem?) You haven't said that you have recorded from this turntable
> with other devices with no problems, so the Archos hardware is still
> suspect. Are you monitoring the recording in progress? Can you hear the
> dropouts?
> Sorry to answer a question with so many questions, but you have to throw
> us "armchair troubleshooters" a bone or two. :)
> Chris
Received on 2003-02-23

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