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Subject: Re: DOOM!


From: Chris Holt <>
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 15:49:10 -0500

On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 05:42:27 +0200, Paul van der Heu wrote:
>On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 00:04:44 +0200 (CEST), Daniel Stenberg wrote:
>>Play Doom on your Archos Recorder
>>The swedish Rockbox department is very proud to present this
>>extraordinary effort.
>Nah. doom (yes all lower case) is for sissies!.. I am working on a
>BLAZEMONGER(tm) port. Yes boys and girls, the ONLY game ever to
>BREAK....., no CRUSH the SOUNDBARRIER is about to come alive on the
>It will be even FASTER and MEANER then it EVER WAS on the Amiga. It
>will be over SO FAST all you will see if the words GAME OVER flashing
>on the screen!
>BEWARE.. BLAZEMONGER(tm) is coming to a AJBR(FM) near you soon!

Well, all I can say is that it was pretty amazing. Yeah, I did get ahold
of one of the leaked beta versions and just couldn't believe the software
tweaks that were accomplished. But since I didn't get all the readme's
about the necessary heat shield modifications, I only got about 5 minutes
play time (about 150 games) before my Archos became a glowing puddle of
plastic and metal. How on earth did you guys manage to achieve the
1.5Ghz clock speed and 10,000 RPM drive performance anyway???

I guess I'll just have to be more careful next time. You'd have thought
I learned my lesson back in my Amiga days...

Received on 2003-04-01

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