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Subject: Re: crashing mp3's

Re: crashing mp3's

From: Chris Hoekstra <>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 11:20:39 -0500

I have had this problem before, with a 320kbps file. I made available
the file for testing, the guys checked it out, and it turned out there
was a bug in the code that they weren't allocating enough buffer size
for the 320kbps files. This was back in mid march and it was fixed in a
daily build.

So I guess the first question, since you didn't say, is:
1.) What version of the rockbox firmware are you using? You should be
using at LEAST 2.0 and make sure it happens still
2.) What device do you have? It helps with the troubleshooting process
3.) What bitrate, filesize, encoding type (CBR vs VBR/ABR), etc. Maybe
it is an unsupported filetype.

These things are the basics that one needs to provide just to make sure
there isn't something simple, like "don't run 1.4, get the newer version
2.0 and try it again".
Right now, we can only assume, and you know what that means??? :)

Sorry if you are already running the latest and tried everything, don't
mean to sound condesending,

lee donaghy wrote:

>i have 2 mp3 files that crash then rockbox firmware.
> I04:IllIntr
> at 3B00C100
>it happens at the end of one and at the begining of
>the other, stock archos firmware 1.26 play the files correctly.
>Lee donaghy
>great yarmouth
>Yahoo! Plus
>For a better Internet experience
Received on 2003-04-18

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