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Subject: Re: FM presets

Re: FM presets

From: Linus Nielsen Feltzing <>
Date: Sun, 04 May 2003 15:06:21 +0200

Mike Holden wrote:
> Do we need to manually create the file? Trying to add a preset gives "No
> free preset entries". Creating an empty file doesn't work (using touch
> command in Linux) either. Creating a file with a single line "0:dummy"
> works fine.

Ooops. :-) This is fixed now.

> When in the F2 menu, F2 and F3 then behave as in MP3 mode (bring up the
> fastkey options for shuffle etc, which is perhaps not what we want in this
> screen). F2 should return you back to radio screen without doing anything.
> Pressing F3 when on the radio screen does nothing, so it should still do
> nothing when in F2 select preset screen.

That is a problem with the way the menu code works. I use the menu
functions for the F2 menu, and it behaves like that. The same problem
exists for the on+play menu.

I intend to clean up the menu code.

> If you are listening to a preset station, and then manually tune, or seek
> to another frequency, the preset name is not cleared unless you tune to
> another preset. The name should be cleared as soon as you start to tune
> elsewhere.

Ooops again. Fixed too.

> Additional feature suggestions:
> Able to sort list by Name (alphabetical), by frequency, or by user's
> preferred order. This would require the ability to re-order the stations
> preset list, and would maybe require that a preset number needs to be
> added to the playlist file.

Could you look into that?

Received on 2003-05-04

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