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Subject: Re: FM presets

Re: FM presets

From: Linus Nielsen Feltzing <>
Date: Mon, 05 May 2003 01:49:08 +0200

TP Diffenbach wrote:
> It's just the general software rule, seperate interface and
> implementation, abstract operations in a relatively unchamging
> interface.

The general Rockbox rule is Keep it Simple Stupid (KISS). I don't want
to solve problems that I don't yet have.

> It's already clear, different people want different minimum frequency
> increments in their interfaces, and it's a given of open source
> software that everybody and his brother will have a different idea
> for the "ideal" (for them) interface.

But do you think the solution to this is to make everybody write their
own Fm tuner screen? I think not.

> If you provide a consistent, well documented API, we'll have less
> code duplication, and greater ease to swap or mix interfaces.

We wouldn't have to duplicate code if the existing FM screen is good enough.

> You'll be providing an excellence service if you provide a
> bullet-proof implementation layer. Then demostrate use of that API
> with your default interface, implemented in terms of your API.

I still can't see why this is necessary until there is a need for it.
I'd prefer to keep it simple.

I find it somewhat counter-productive to spend time designing an
"implementation layer" that might never be used by anyone else than me.

Received on 2003-05-05

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