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Subject: Re: New Menu Design

Re: New Menu Design

From: Michael O'Quinn <>
Date: Mon, 5 May 2003 20:44:41 -0700 (PDT)

On Sat, 3 May 2003, Stevie-O wrote:

> c s wrote:
> > You need to provide a player version anyway. Any
> > drastic menu logic change has to fly on all three
> > platforms or it will stick us with the nightmare of
> > having to maintain two different sets of menu and
> > settings ifdef'd code segments. The current one set of
> > functions is already very cumbersome when it comes to
> > adding a new setting. If you plan to propose adding
> > something that more than doubles the number of code
> > segments that have to be changed in order to add a new
> > setting, that would be VERY undesirable.
> Actually, there's nothing in my patch that should prevent it from working on
> Players; I was really just too lazy to make yet another build dir and configure
> a Player Makefile :P
> Cheq it out at:

O.K., I've been a baaaad tester. I JUST tried this one (I plead more Real
Life intruding than usual) and it didn't work. ROLO gave an error
when it tried to load.

Could you make a player version of the latest available? I promise to try
it right away this time!

Received on 2003-05-06

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