Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Re: help please (in return for a small donation)Re: help please (in return for a small donation)
From: lee donaghy <lee295012_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 18:03:28 +0100 (BST) --- Steve Petersen <spetey_at_umich.edu> wrote: > Hey folks, > > First, thanks for such a great project. I was very > excited about it, > and have made a small PayPal donation (US $10). > > I hope the donation makes you feel better about > helping me a little, > since I'm not a developer and can't read all the > newsgroup stuff. I > *did* read the manual, though. > > My three main questions: > > 1. How do I get optical recording (on my Recorder > 20) to work? It just > doesn't seem to register input at all when I choose > such a source. I'm > trying to record from my CD player's optical out. you will need to convert the optical into an electrical digital signal. > > 2. What's the story on bookmarks? I know there's > some branch > developing it or something. This would be really > handy for me, since I > listen to mp3'd books on CD sometimes. I would vote > for this feature > over games / demos if there's an issue of space. you can download benjamins bookmarking offshoot http://www.samuraipanda.com/bookmarking-20.zip it's still work in progress but has been stable for me. > > 3. Speakers setting... I noticed the rockbox sound > seems strangely > "centered" when I play it in the car stereo, and I > seem to remember > seeing somewhere something about a different setting > for playing out > through regular speakers? > you can adjust your own settings in the sound menu and save them as .cfg files to quickly change between settings, i'm not sure if that's what you ment. > Thanks again for all your help and a great project! > Steve > ===== Lee donaghy great yarmouth lee295012_at_yahoo.com __________________________________________________ It's Samaritans' Week. Help Samaritans help others. Call 08709 000032 to give or donate online now at http://www.samaritans.org/support/donations.shtm Received on 2003-05-20 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |