Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Rockbox Audio clipping problemRockbox Audio clipping problem
From: Gonz <gonzini_at_freenet.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 02:03:18 +0100 Hi, Heres one for you! I noticed this a while back but didnt post my findings. When i first brought my FM20 i did some tests with my scope to see how the hardware performed.I did the same with rockbox and i have found that under some circumstance that the audio output will clip early and un-symmetrically.Noticeably on the minus rail first at about 1vp/p.I have not found reason why this might happen whilst using rockbox. If i then boot up using the archos firmware the problem disappears, and i will get symmetrical clipping at 3.2v p/p. Now if i reboot using rockbox again the problem will disappear and again symmetrical clipping at 3.2 v p/p, all good! For you info:- This experiment was carried out with ALL sound parameters set FLAT, with a 0db 44.1khz 1khz sine wave CBR 320kbps mp3.This should in *theory..!* use all the available bit depth of the archos, D/A included! Also no load was placed on the output. Rockbox with strange behaviour:- Vol _at_ 75 just before clipping Vol _at_ 76 onset of clipping Vol _at_ 77 minus waveform clipping early approx 1v p/p *no load condition* Rockbox Ok:- Vol _at_ 93 onset of clipping Vol _at_ 94 symmetrical clipping _at_ 3.2v p/p *no load condition* The archos firmware performed as above, one notch back = onset of clipping / full volume symmetrical clipping. I took some crude photos of the scope to show the problem (sorry about the quality, really cheap camera..) *I tryed to quickly post them on my personal webspace, but the links dont work for some reason.I dont have the time now but if anyone whats to see them i can post them to your email address... * l'll post somemore tests ie, frequency response noise figures when i get a chance.There are differences between the frequency response of archos firmware and rockbox though this i would imagine to be down to different centre *neutral* sound settings, Though both are reasonably flat. Cheers Gonz Received on 2003-05-21 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |