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Subject: Re: left channel trouble, need advice

Re: left channel trouble, need advice

From: BlueChip <>
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 05:31:08 +0100

At 22:18 03/06/03 -0400, you wrote:
>I have an fm recorder and live by the daily builds. I like this device,
>but once I found rockbox by searching for ".ajz" on google I haven't put
>it down, a sincere thank you to the rockbox crew.
>Recently the left channel has been cracking and will go out entirely if
>the headphone connection is slightly pushed in just the right direction
>(about 20 degrees up and in the direction of the line in port). I like to
>walk around with it in my pocket and this is making listening difficult
>while on the move.
>I can't send it back to Archos since I just upgraded the HD, interestingly
>there was no warranty sticker but I doubt that will get me anywhere with
>their customer dis-service.
>So, what can I do to fix this?

This sounds to me like you have abused the headphone jack - maybe you
dropped the player whilst the phones were plugged in or equal kind of
event(s). If you have 20^ of play on the socket then the chances are that
it is no longer connected to the PCB. And it WOULD most likely be the L
channel that goes!

If it is, the fix is fiddly, but quite simple.

Open the unit up and solder the socket back to the pcb!

You may find that where the socket has come up, that it has lifted the pcb
If so, the fix becomes a bit more fiddly :( cannot simply solder to the pcb track, as it is broken
...clean up an extra bit of track RIGHT next to the socket solder point -
scrape off the resin coat with a screwdriver
...join the already-present solder blob to the newly-cleaned track and join
the two with a tiny bit of wire may also want to put in a spot of hot-plastic; expoxy glue; or
super-glue on the socket to give it a bit of added future stability - MAKE
SURE IT WORKS FIRST! ...superglue is MY preference as it can be broken
without too much hassle; epoxy is kinda permenant; hot-plastic glue gun
things can be removed, but can be a bit of a pain on small things.

I just hope you have a basic grasp of how to use a soldering iron - if not;
this is not the place to learn - get a friend to help :)
Received on 2003-06-04

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