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Subject: Re[2]: Patch - virtual file structures

Re[2]: Patch - virtual file structures

From: BlueChip <>
Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2003 02:16:50 +0100

The windows .lnk system has too many inherent problems in an application
like this - eg embedded drive letter.

As for other (well designed) systems (such as *nix), the dilemma is getting
them to live happily on a FAT32 partition.

>What I don't understand is the reason behind creating our own format?
>What about windows shortcut format, or the symbolic link in unix/linux?
>MOQ> On Mon, 9 Jun 2003, BlueChip wrote:
> >>
> >> >>Isn't that better done with playlists?
> >> >I think the interesting part is not so much the playing as the
> transparent
> >> >browsing through an arbitrary directory hierarchy. I was thinking
> >> >primarily of something similar to winamp's media library, or itunes,
> where
> >> >one could locate a file by artist, genre, mood, or whatever.
> >>
> >> Get's my vote - I would love to have virtual dirs so that (for example)
> >> Fleetwood Mac turn up under both "Blues" and "Fleetwood Mac" ..also.. each
> >> compilation album would have it's files also show up under the
> specific artist
> >>
> >> I suppose its just a matter of whether you can see this new feature as an
> >> improvement, or if you prefers to stick to old ways because they are
> familiar.
>MOQ> One thing that would make this a lot more attractive would be an easy to
>MOQ> use too for creating the virtual dir files. I'm thinking of a tool (on a
>MOQ> WinDoze box and/or Mac) that would scan the .mp3 files, and create the
>MOQ> virtual dirs based on the ID3 tags.
>MOQ> Now THAT would be powerful.
>MOQ> I don't really see how this idea of virtual dirs will be very exciting
>MOQ> without some sort of automated tool to create them. At last check, I
>MOQ> slightly over 8600 song on my Player -- way too many to catalog by hand.
>MOQ> I do make sure that each and every ID3 tag is correct before I copy it on
>MOQ> to the Player, so an automated scan would certainly make sense for me.
>MOQ> Michael
Received on 2003-06-09

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