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Subject: RE: Patch - virtual file structures

RE: Patch - virtual file structures

From: Jonah, Jim <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 08:38:45 -0400

I was able to run this app after making this change:

FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(dest);
fw.close(); <-------- I suspect you'll need to add this, since it
appears that at this point you're done writing to the file.

Also, the regex routine throws an exception when processing a filename with
$$ in it.

Can you restate your goals with this app?

I wouldn't mind leveraging this to simply crank out standard playlists.
Since I tend to build them based on genre. What license are releasing this
code under?


-----Original Message-----
From: Owen Sebastian Hofmann []
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 1:28 AM
Subject: Re: Patch - virtual file structures

> One thing that would make this a lot more attractive would be an easy to
> use too for creating the virtual dir files. I'm thinking of a tool (on a
> WinDoze box and/or Mac) that would scan the .mp3 files, and create the
> virtual dirs based on the ID3 tags.

You mean something like, say, this?

Select your rockbox's root directory, select the output file, then start
organizing: Each entry in the list on the left represents a level of
directory. So if the list is

The bottom directory has the name of the genres, and within each
directory are the years, and within each of those, the artists. This
outputs a text-format file, which can be translated with the vfsc
program. (Which brings me to something else: Would somebody with
cygwin mind compiling a windows binary?). It's written in java, so it
should work on windows or linux, assuming you have a new enough version
of java.

One problem: For some reason java seems to stop writing the file after
a while. This is always after having written an integer multiple of
1024 bytes. Everything's fine if you just spit out the text to the
console, but it jams up writing an actual file. Can anybody help me
with this?


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Received on 2003-06-10

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