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Subject: Re: about disk errors

Re: about disk errors

From: José M. Fandiño <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 12:28:42 +0200

Michael O'Quinn wrote:
> Sounds like a bad disk to me, or low batteries. Was the battery fully
> charged when you started, and was the charger connected throughout?


the batteries were fully charged during the scans and the external
power adaptor was pluged to the archos so I discarded a problem with
the batteries. Also media errors was always on the same position
of affected files which doesn't suggest a random failure as it is
expected with power issues.

With music files it isn't very problematic but when I use
the AJBR20 to transport my work files I can't afford to lose
any of them.

The important question is, how often archos users get bad
sectors and what is the return policy that archos will
follow regarding to defective disks? (AFAIK creative
products have a two year warranty on all parts)

> On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, [iso-8859-15] José M. [iso-8859-15] Fandiño wrote:
> > Hello list,
> >
> > This weekend I did a surface scan of my AJBR20 and I
> > got over 30MB in bad sectors. I'm wondering if other users
> > have these results when they scan their disks?
> >
> > I use the AJB while I travel by train and bus so it's exposed
> > to small vibrations, perhaps this is the cause of bad sectors.
> >
> > As far as I know modern disks have bad sector reallocation but
> > the fujitsu disk doesn't seem to use this (or the reallocation
> > reserved space emptyed)
> >
> > also, it is intentioned the rockbox behavior regarding to read
> > errors (it simply skip the current song) or is it the hardware
> > which manages all disk errors?
> >
> >

Version: 3.1
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O+ M+ V- PS+ PE+ Y++ PGP+>+++ t+ 5 X+$ R- tv-- b+++ DI D++>+++
G++ e- h+(++) !r !z
Received on 2003-06-17

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