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Subject: New menu system Suggestion

New menu system Suggestion

From: Bio Hazard <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 12:58:00 -0500

i have a new menu structure idea... i think it has all the current options

reply with good\bad stuff...

Rockbox menu system

 (O) means these are the available options when the above is selected
 (T) Means the option is ethier on or off
 (S) Means there is a Slider (with a percent)

If n option dosent have a designated set of options, it means everything is kept the same...


 Text Files
  Select Playlist
  Edit Playlist
  Save Playlist
  Delete Playlist
Functions (*if any)
 Recording (* recorder only)
  Start Recording
  Recording options

 FM Recording (* FM Recorder only)
  Start recording
  Recording Settings
   FM Frequency
   Retro Recording

Quick Acsess
 ID3 Info
 Sleep timer

  Volume (S)
  Bass (S)
  Bass Boost (S)
  Treble (S)
  Balance (S)
  Loudness (S)

   (O) Mono Left, Mono Right, Mono, Stereo Narrow, Stereo, Stereo Wide,

  Kareoke Mode (T)
  Auto Volume
   (O) Shuffle, repeat one, repeat all,

  Fade on stop/pause (T)

  Controll Freak
   Anti-Skip Buffer
   Ff/Rw Min step
   Ff/Rw Accel
  Resume (T)


  LCD Options
    Turnoff Delay
    On when plugged-in (T)
    Caption Backlight (T)
   Contrast (S)
   Invert (T)

  File browser
   Show files of type
   Case sensitive (T)
   Follow Playlist (T)

   Volume Icon
    (O) Numeric, Graphic,
   Battery Icon
    (O) Numeric, Graphic,
   Show Icons (T)
   Scroll Bar (T)
   Status Bar (T)
   Line Selector (T)
   WPS Selector

  Controll Freak
   (Insert Peak Meter menu here)

   Spindown HD
   HD Poweroff
   Power Saving
   Idle Poweroff

    Deep Discharge
    Trickle Charge

   Max Playlist Size
   Max Files in Browser

   Set Time/Date
   Time Format

   Overview (Originally Info Menu)

  Config Browser
   Save CFG
   Select CFG

  Reset Settings
   *Are You Sure Prompt*

  Debug (Keep out!)

Received on 2003-06-19

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