Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Why doesn't Archos buy/use RockBox software?Why doesn't Archos buy/use RockBox software?
From: Tony Agee <tony.agee_at_zurichna.com>
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 14:48:33 -0500 I have the Jukebox FM Recorder 20 and I can honestly say it has the worst interface of any consumer electronic device I have ever purchased in my ENTIRE life. The RockBox software has transformed this abyssmal piece of junk into something worthwhile. Functionality ACROSS the BOARD has improved. Does anybody here know why a group of enthusiasts could make better software than paid employees of Archos? Why doesn't Archos officially support or even install RockBox software on their Jukeboxes prior to shipping (and pay the programmers!)?? I can only shake my head when I read the dismal reviews of the Archos products at places like CNET. If only those poor users knew that RockBox "fixes" their $300 paper weight. I use my recorder ALL the time now whereas just a few weeks ago I was about ready to go buy an iPod instead. 3 cheers for the RockBox team!! ******************* PLEASE NOTE ******************* This message, along with any attachments, may be confidential or legally privileged. It is intended only for the named person(s), who is/are the only authorized recipients. If this message has reached you in error, please notify the sender immediately and promptly destroy it without review. Dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your help. ********************************************************** Received on 2003-06-20 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |