Rockbox mailing lists
- "slash"-patch and uisimulator icon
- (no subject)
- 2 disks in rockbox
- 2000 mah batteries
- [ rockbox-Patches-625487 ] .rockbox browsing patch
- [ rockbox-Patches-723682 ] file search (grep)
- [ rockbox-Patches-745933 ] Dynamic playlists
- [Bug] mp3 recognation
- A few questions on the Studio/Player specifics
- about application loader...
- about disk errors
- about fmrecorder
- about the arhos of course
- Adventures in Emulation
- Another feature request
- applying the radio scanning code patch to current cvs
- Archos firmware sound vs Rockbox
- Archos Recorder FM disassembly and re-assembly
- Archos Repair
- AV 120 timer
- BATTERY-FAQ and the FM
- BATTERY-FAQ and the FM)
- Bookmarking & Text Viewer Word Wrap together, precompiled
- buffer
- Car power supply tip/question
- Changelog sanity check
- Correct battery and disk spindown settings for FM Recorder?
- CPUAdrEr crash after shuffling
- cvs problems
- CVS status
- CVS status [was: icons problem with the win32 simulator]
- cvs: apps settings.c,1.159,1.160
- cvs: docs FAQ,1.72,1.73
- digital I/O & Infra-red
- digital I/O FAQ - new version
- digital I/O FAQ - suggestion
- Digital I/O faq entry revised
- Digital Out & RCU
- Downloading patches
- Dynamic playlist saving
- Dynamic playlists
- Feature request
- Feature suggestion : sound Modes
- Feature suggestion: user defined F2/F3 menu's
- firmware for Jukebox Multimedia?
- FM recorder and rockbox
- fm recorder: hard disk error - can't get fm rec to shut down
- fm recorder: hard disk error - can't get fm rec to shut down [2]
- FM Tuner .5Mhz - 160Mhz
- Free HD space and PANIC
- Game much like Reversi or Othello with AI opponents
- Hackers: How does code compilation work?
- Hardeep's dynamic playlist questions/suggestions
- HD spindown, player DB 20030605
- Hi! ... different charger
- Hidden features?
- High kbps/Low kbps power consumption
- How to play a random CD
- I have a battery type question
- icons problem with the win32 simulator
- ID3V2 genre
- Installable Modules
- Installing A Patch
- Is this somehow possible??
- Jump Scroll (on player) settings are not persistent.
- Jump scroll feature for player
- kit MP3 player from IDE hard drive
- LCD Screen
- left channel trouble, need advice
- Line-In (Microphone) Boost Hardware Mod
- Little XP tweak
- Maximum DC current in Archos FM?
- Me too: Strange disconnections (and reconnections) in USB mode with one of my USB ports.
- Mic Amplifier for line-in
- more boot research
- more boot research, and a hidden flash loader for gdb users
- more boot research, and a hidden flash loader for gdb users, FM too
- More Red Led Dead testing
- More Red Led Dead testing)
- Need rockbox installation help
- New Archos Remote
- New Archos stuff
- New Bookmark Release - 2003-06-12
- new FAQ entry: digital I/O not working
- New francais.lang at v1.77 level
- New menu system Suggestion
- New patches
- new version 2.0 of ABSync
- Panic fls: 15
- Patch #706111 id3 tags, implemented! But an error appears!
- Patch - virtual file structures
- Pausing During Recording
- Per file/directory cfg file loader
- Player ROM images
- Playlist
- playlist making
- Playlist only shuffle, per file .cfg file, etc.
- Plugins
- Possible bug in fat.c
- Power input broken!
- power off
- Power problems: short? Damaged battery?
- power_off() on players
- Powering on/shutting down Jukebox FM Recorder
- Quadruple posts... ...posts... ...osts... ...ts...
- question about plugins .rock
- Questions about Rockbox build options and memory
- radio scanning interface
- RE : Trimming an MP3 file
- read-only under linux
- Recording time split feature - 24/12 hour split intervals?
- Regarding Time Split: add 74 min or 80 min for CD-Lengths!!
- Replacing the Archos FM Recorder HDD? Pictures?
- RockBox and FM Recorder - Mono Setting?
- rockbox and the player of archos....questions
- rockbox and the player of archos...questions
- Rockbox in Flash init code
- rockbox list having problems?
- RockBox Mentioned on Worldwide Mailing List
- Rockbox won't start from flash, any ideas?
- S/PDIF converter project
- show hard drive activity
- shuffle for over 400 songs
- Simulators won't compile
- Soldering the Archos?
- Sound
- still confused about installation
- Stop Key
- Stranges disconnections (and reconnections) in USB mode with one of my USB ports.
- Suggested update to disassembly instructions/photos
- Survey for Rockbox in Flash, please participate
- Talkbox: Ideas for better name than "Thumbnails"?
- Test only
- Tips for extending battery life with FM recorder
- Trimming an MP3 file
- Trouble mounting FM Recorder
- uisimulator on nt4.0
- uisimulator segfaults on winnt 4.0
- uisimulator/win32 doesn`t compile on cygwin anymore
- unsubscribe
- Update2: Rockbox won't start from flash, any ideas?
- Update: Rockbox won't start from flash, any ideas?
- usb 1.1
- Warranty
- What happend to Browse CVS link on Rockbox web pages?
- Why doesn't Archos buy/use RockBox software?
- why protect the batteries-why i go for the recorder,and not the fm-recorder
- Wondering about the 'peak meter'
- yet another feature request! (im on fire!)
- zaurus and rockbox