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Subject: Re: More long recording problems with JBR20

Re: More long recording problems with JBR20

From: ajf <>
Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 20:35:54 -0400

I experience a similar problem. Every file I record, without exeception,
will fail to play in the default player that shows up in Windows Explorer
when I select an mp3 that I have uploaded from Rockbox. However, I can
usuaully find some PC-based player that can play the file.

When I edit the file and save it again using Cool Edit 2000, for example,
then the file is fine, even if I have changed nothing.

Linus Nielsen Feltzing writes:

> Meirion Williams [e-knowledge] wrote:
>> 2 questions I could do with some help on... how can I fix these files?
> The PC utility FixVBR may help you.
>> And more importantly.. why does Rockbox do this? I want it to stop!
> If I knew why it did it, I would have fixed the bug long ago. So far,
> every guy that have had this problem has been unable to help me find it.
> I need a few thing from you. First of all, I would like to have one of
> your broken files. Secondly, I would like an image of your FAT. But let's
> start with reading sector 0 and 63 of your HD. Can you do that for me?
> Linus
Received on 2003-07-09

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