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Subject: Charging screen vote for RomBox & a small question :)

Charging screen vote for RomBox & a small question :)

From: DarkAngel <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2003 12:22:01 +0200

I vote for the charging screen too ;)
I have a small question about the archos firmware you (Jörg) include in your
release package : when pressing the F1 key I got the 1.28 firmware of Archos
but on their web site ( the
only update for the recorder is 1.27d !
where did you get the 1.28 ?
    Stéphane (France / Eure / Vernon)

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2003 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: Rombox: won't charge when batteries are dead

> > How about this? We start up the charging code FIRST. If the battery
> > level (we
> > can still check that while plugged in/charging, right? I know we can on
> > the FM)
> > is below a certain threshold, we hold on a 'charging' screen at powerup
> > until we
> > think the batteries are alive enough to spin up the HD. Once we have
> > enough
> > battery power, we can then exit the screen and startup normally. There
> > isn't
> > even any point in checking for USB, if we can't spin up the HD...
> Who wants to be the judge for those levels? We can only measure the
> but not how that develops under load, how much power your HD needs, etc.
> I still vote for the charging screen.
> > This might help prevent another annoyance: If the batteries are too
> > plugging in the USB cable enters a rapid on/off loop, because they can't
> > power
> > up the HD enough to kick into USB mode...
> Is that the case with the Archos software?
> Jörg
> --
> +++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more +++
> Jetzt ein- oder umsteigen und USB-Speicheruhr als Prämie sichern!
Received on 2003-07-13

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