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Subject: Re: Help please! Rockbox work with this? It is a multimedia unit?

Re: Help please! Rockbox work with this? It is a multimedia unit?

From: scott <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:13:12 -0700 (PDT)

if your'e only going to listen to audio books, you could probably get by with a studio 10, which
can only play mp3s, not record. amazon has 'em for $160

installing rockbox is fairly easy. all you have to do is go to the download section of the rockbox
page, download the zip file for your model of archos, and unzip it on your archos drive. if you
want to use one of the newer versions, you just have to download the new archos.mod/ajdrec.ajz
file and put it in the archos root dir. too technical for you?


--- Sharon <> wrote:
> Okay, I think I understand the difference. The FMR has FM built in,
> right? I want this for listening to my audiobooks at work, which is
> why I want to use Rockbox on it, for its wonderful "resume" feature.
> You really want to start right where you left off in a book. I'm not
> into music, so the FM part isn't important to me. Actually I like
> talk radio, so I wish they made one that was AM!
> I do appreciate the comparative pricing for the Jukebox 20 GB...
> Is it hard to install/use Rockbox? Would a very non-techie person be
> able to do it???? (o:
> Sharon
> >I hate to sound so dumb, but what's the difference in the two,
> >Scott? The one at Amazon says "Recorder": Archos Jukebox 20 GB
> >Digital Audio Player/Recorder/Hard Drive 500277
> >
> >Is FMR different (I can see its appearance is different, but
> >otherwise is it different)?
> >
> >Thanks for all the responses...I definitely don't want to mess up by
> >getting the wrong thing!
> >
> >Sharon
> >
> >>of if you're willing to pay $250 you could get an FMR
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>i got mine at best buy for $270
> >>
> >>-scott
> >>
> >>--- TP Diffenbach <> wrote:
> >>> Quoting Sharon <>:
> >>>
> >>> > One of you knowledgeable people told me that unless I get a
> >>> > multimedia or something newer, Rockbox would work on it. Is this unit
> >>> > considered a multimedia, or would I be able to install Rockbox on it?
> >>> > TIA for any help....
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>>
> >>> >
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> here are some slightly cheaper prices (I'm surprised the prices
> >>>have stayed as high as they
> >>> have):
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Archos FM has a Rockbox!
> >>
> >>
> >>__________________________________
> >>Do you Yahoo!?
> >>SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!
> >>

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Received on 2003-07-14

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