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Subject: Re: charging diagnostics

Re: charging diagnostics

From: <>
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 20:53:43 +0200 (MEST)

>> > I'll code the startup loading before rolo, can you then re-test if
> flashed
> > and manually rolo-ed can charge? I'll let you know when it's done.

I have comitted an update to Rolo now. It tries to load the file
"/startup_io.bin" now, and if present restores the I/O space from there before executing
the new image.

Some instuctions for the more or less obvious:
Place the "/startup_io.bin" file into root which got created by the
non-flashed version.
Get a bleeding edge build (hope it's in yet) and flash it as well as copy
the ajz to disk.
Restart the box, rolo the ajz.
Try if charging now works better. Don't use the charging screen (this
woudn't use the rolo-ed version).

At least for me it already had an effect: Previously, I coudn't rolo the
original Archos software. Now I can, which tells that it needs a missing init.


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Received on 2003-08-04

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