Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Newly installed - some questions.Newly installed - some questions.
From: Kristian Koehntopp <kris_at_koehntopp.de>
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 11:21:56 +0200 I got my new Archos JS 6000 from Amazon just today, and installing Rockbox 2.0 was the very first thing I did after listening to the sample tunes provided by Archos. Worked like a charm and is so much better that the Archos provided software. A few questions remain: - How do I power down the archos? Unplugging the loading cable will power down the unit after 1m idle time (because I configured that), but how do I force a power down? - My configuration file, the language file and the wps file are not shown nor read at all. What am I doing wrong? I have kk_at_kris:/media/sda1> ls -l .rockbox/ insgesamt 16 -rwxr-xr-x 1 kk postfix 682 2003-08-07 10:46 config00.cfg -rwxr-xr-x 1 kk postfix 4173 2003-04-15 15:00 deutsch.lng -rwxr-xr-x 1 kk postfix 76 2003-08-07 10:39 kris.wps kk_at_kris:/media/sda1> cat .rockbox/config00.cfg # >>> .cfg file created by rockbox <<< # >>> http://rockbox.haxx.se <<< # # # wps / language / font # # # Sound settings # volume: 100 bass: 7 treble: 7 balance: 0 channels: stereo # # Playback # shuffle: off repeat: all play selected: on resume: ask scan min step: 1 scan accel: 3 antiskip: 0 volume fade: on # # File View # sort case: off show files: music follow playlist: off # # Display # scroll speed: 8 scroll delay: 100 bidir limit: 50 backlight timeout: 4 backlight when plugged: on contrast: 30 # # System # disk spindown: 5 battery capacity: 1500 idle poweroff: 1 # Added manually lang: /.rockbox/deutsch.lng wps: /.rockbox/kris.wps Also, when I create a folder "kris", and put the deutsch.lng and kris.wps files into that folder, the are not shown (the folder is shown empty) and thus I cannot "play" these files. The ".rockbox" folder is not shown at all and I cannot play files from there (should I be able to do this?). Kristian Received on 2003-08-07 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |