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Subject: Re: Wanted: better live recording features

Re: Wanted: better live recording features

From: Glenn Ervin at home <>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 18:51:27 -0500

A quick recording key combination would be very useful!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Garrett Derner" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 12:40 PM
Subject: Wanted: better live recording features

Even with Rockbox, I have found Archos recorders somewhat inconvenient for
live recording. I have three ideas for improvements:

1. It often happens in live situations that I want to start recording right
away without delay. Other devices, such as minidisc or dat, have record
buttons. But with the Archos, alas, you have to navigate through the menu.
Recording is not even at the top of the list in the menu.

I would like Rockbox to have a button combination, like maybe On-F3, which
would start recording immediately. Ideally you could even cold-start into
recording, by holding F3 while turning the unit on.

Of course the quick start of "rombox" is also a big help in live situations;
thanks for the great work!

2. On two occasions I attempted to do the Recording Settings in advance,
only to find that the next time I turned the box on, it had reverted to the
old settings! Finally when I had time to play around with it, I realized
that the settings don't get saved until I exit completely from the menu
system. If I shut the unit off while I am still in a menu, my settings are
lost. Would it be possible to save the Recording Settings at an earlier
stage, either as soon as they are set, or at least as soon as you exit back
to the main menu? I realize there is a tradeoff involving battery usage, but
mistakes with recording settings are costly. In the confusion of a live
setting, I don't need any unnecessary "gotchas". When there are
distractions, it isn't even that easy to notice at a glance, the difference
between the main menu and the browsing screen.

3. It should be possible for Rockbox to decide what the source is. For the
regular JBR: First try to use digital; if no signal, try line input; if no
signal there either, use built-in mic. Slightly different logic for FM
units. Of course this assumes the user plugs in the source /before/ pressing
Record. Should be a feature that the user can turn on or off.

Received on 2003-08-23

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