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Subject: Re: Sound back in both ears! What is a cfg file?

Re: Sound back in both ears! What is a cfg file?

From: Sharon <>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 07:52:15 -0700

>either do 'make playlist' in rockbox while in the root directoty
>(not in any subdirectories),
>which will create the root.m3u playlist file. or hook yout archos up
>to your computer and add the
>whole thing to winamp (or whatever) with the 'recurse
>subdirectories' box checked, and save a
>playlist on your archos.

Thank you, Scott; that seems simple to do and put in terms I could
understand, which I appreciate....I'm going to do it in Rockbox which
seems easier to me.... (o:

Received on 2003-08-25

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