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Subject: Re: NEWKEYS v2


From: Mats Lidell <>
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 16:35:06 +0200

>>>>> Kjell wrote:

>> And on the player the file name editor thing is pretty whacky.

Kjell> Buuuahaaa! I'm responsible for that too.... :-) (with Mats
Kjell> Lidell though)

Improvements are welcome ;-)

>> It took me days to work out how to use it, and I can still never get it
>> right first time

Is is documented in (CVS at least.)

Kjell> Me neither :-)

Kjell> ...I don't even manage to press ON+PLAY to enter the
Kjell> editor. That is bad UI design for me to have double press,
Kjell> which always will be unintuive and more or less hidden.

Some things will never be easy on the Player. When we can't be
compatible with the Recorder UI we must find new ways.

For the time I think that being in line with the recorder is
something to consider. It makes it easier to move between units. Some
users have two machines and it makes the code easier to maintain. I
once did an overhaul of the two interfaces in order to make them in
sync but that was a long time ago. Maybe it needs to be done again.

For the Player maybe a completely new interface is the way to
go. Ignore what has been done and come up with a new interface!

%% Mats
Received on 2003-09-01

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