Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Re: belkin FM transmitter for $39? good unit?Re: belkin FM transmitter for $39? good unit?
From: LoveLearn <LoveLearn_at_iw.net>
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 00:47:32 -0500 Here is a comparison review of FM transmitters to which any Archos could connect. Advantage went to AudiaX http://www.themindfactory.com/Products/PLL-1_FM/AudiaX/AudiaX_Reviews/audiax_reviews.html Here is an interesting comparison comment at the page bottom, again favoring AudiaX http://www.ipodlounge.com/forums/archive/topic/5566-1.html Digiana Audiax FM MP3 Transmitter is also known as Cendyne Grüv-X The AudiaX is also referenced as the "Digiana" Wireless Portable FM Linker http://www.the-gadgeteer.com/audiax-wireless-fm-linker-review.html For about $80 you could buy the CCrane FM transmitter, but I see no compelling testimony that it's better than an AudiaX for much less money. "Designed by C.Crane’s Chris Justice, and Mr. Pai from Sangean, the engineers that brought you the CCRadioplus." I don't know that I'd pay that higher price even though my personal favorite AM radio section is in my CCrane Radio, while my favorite FM radio section is in my Sony SRF-S84. So despite high CCrane prices, they've gotten some of my money, but only because that AM section works so much better than others. http://www.ccrane.com/fm_transmitter_in_mobile_index.asp So why do the AudiaX product sold under several names AND the CCrane FM transmitter have so much more useful range than the rest of their competitors? Probably differences in actual effective radiated power. I know that CCrane product testing doesn't stop without field proven performance, whereas many others apparently settle for bench testing into a dummy load with an assumption that the total product will perform well. John Received on 2003-09-19 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |