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Subject: Re: my charging test on recorder 20 --- first results

Re: my charging test on recorder 20 --- first results

From: [IDC]Dragon <>
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 20:40:54 +0200 (MEST)

Hello Mourad,

thanks a lot for your tests, hope this helps to tell myths from facts.

> One test I haven't done is chaging with Rombox in normal run ( not with
> charging screen ) but I don't now if it can change something...

Well, it in fact really can matter, because then the settings are loaded,
versus the charging screen is working with defaults, of which one may be wrong
and actually causing this.

> no hardware mod ( original hd, cells, charger and 2Mo of ram )
> I hope that can help to solve that issue.
> Please tell me if you want more informations/tests...

One question: Have you checked if the runtime you get from the charge could
match the percentage you've seen? This is not necessarily the case, the
percentage is more a kind of guess.

Thanks again,


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Received on 2003-09-19

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