Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Not being able to flash your rockbox ? In need of a SST39VF020 ?Not being able to flash your rockbox ? In need of a SST39VF020 ?
From: Jan Riewenherm <Riewenherm_at_gmx.de>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 22:00:52 +0100 Hi, I did huge efforts to find a distributor for the SST39VF020-90ns Chips [IDC]Dragon mentions in his article about flasing rockbox. Finally i found a company in munich being able to sell me a quantity of 30peaces at 3.25EUR + tax. The problem is that even if the quantity is that low i can´t affort paying over 100EUR for the flash mod. Who else is in need of this 3.3V flash rom ? I think it will be interesting if there are at least 15 people. The price is as the company told me, i´m not making any profits, so PLEASE... Only mail me if you really want one and take it if i order the chips. I´ve no idea how to handle the payment so far. An option would be paypal but i also have a bank account with swift code and so on. The faximile with the price request can be found here: www.riewel.de/strixner.jpg) btw. if there is still interest in the 8mb dram chip i can note that down as well and see what i can do. (i already did the mod and bought the chip at www.bimex.de for 7.50€ + tax but might be cheaper if i buy more than just two) The faximile with the price request can be found here: www.riewel.de/bimex.jpg) Mail me... Jan Received on 2003-10-28 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |