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Subject: Re: battery problems?

Re: battery problems?

From: Rocker <>
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 10:43:04 -0700

I'm sure I could get this info from the battery fact but is the procedure
listed below the same for changing the batteries on the FMR? I can't seem
to find those notches by the F1,2,3 keys?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Holt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 12:43 AM
Subject: Re: battery problems?

> On Sat, 29 Nov 2003 15:14:50 -0800, Jon Drukman wrote:
> > At 09:28 AM 11/29/2003, Chris Holt wrote:
> >> NiMh batteries have a limited number of charge cycles, but do not
> >> suffer any substantial "memory effect" like NiCads do. How old is
> >> your JBR20, and how many cycles would you estimate you have put on
> >> the batteries?
> >>
> >
> > my jbr20 is around 8 months old and the batteries have been
> > charged/depleted less than 100 times. maybe even less than 50. the
> > only thing i wonder about is for the first 6 months or so i left the
> > JBR connected to the charger almost 100% of the time. does that hurt
> > the batteries?
> Assuming you were using the Archos firmware, which has no trickle charge
> or deep discharge function like rockbox, yes, you could have significantly
> shortened the cycle life of the OEM batteries, in my opinion.
> >> Regardless, they are quite inexpensive to replace with much higher
> >> capacity cells. Energizer 2100mah AA cells are going for less than
> >> $10 a 4 pack in stores like WalMart, KMart etc.
> >>
> >
> > i actually have a bunch of 2100mah "iPower" cells lying around. i'll
> > try them out.
> >
> >> It's on the end of your thumb. :) You see the notches in the
> >> faceplate on either side of the F1, F2 and F3 buttons? Place your
> >> thumbnail (or a small bladed screwdriver if you are a biter) into the
> >> notch and pry upward and outward. The battery covers, once freed,
> >> will slide straight up out of the unit, giving you access to the
> >> batteries.
> >>
> >
> > brilliant. i had no idea, i thought you had to unscrew the unit!
> > thanks for the tip. i'm going to replace the stock batteries with my
> > 2100mah cells and we'll see how that works out.
> hehe I think almost everyone's attention is drawn to the torx screws in
> the side of the case at first. I wonder how many people have removed
> them, the faceplate and bumpers, only to find that the battery covers
> simply snap right off. Some things just seem to be hidden in plain sight!
> Chris
Received on 2003-11-30

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