Rockbox mailing lists
- "update" usb 1.1 to 2.0?
- "Updating" USB 1.1 to 2.0 on a Jukebox?
- (Daily builds, 3 ver of recorder) -> Very unusefull drunk questions from me
- (no subject)
- 2.1 feature freeze
- 2.1 Manual preliminary draft - comments on pages through 12
- 2.1 Manual preliminary draft - comments please
- 2.1 Release Documentation
- 2300 ma batteries with jukebox recorder?
- a couple of questions about ver. 2.1
- A rockbox survey
- A rockbox survey - and recording failures
- all flashed recorders, please reflash with my latest
- ANNOUNCE: Rockbox emulates M-Bus car CD changer (Alpine and OEM)
- Any way to reduce Archos stereo mic level?
- anyone got their backup of original recorder bios
- Archo killing open source....
- ARCHOS Stereo Microphone power off
- AV140
- AW: Remote Control Unit
- AW: Where to put patch.exe and such stuff?
- Batteries...
- battery problems?
- Boot from Flash
- calendar memo format
- chip8 emulator
- Compiling
- Costs involved in manufacturing a product
- Creative Travelsound
- Creative Travelsound)
- cvs changelog
- cvs: apps tree.c,1.210,1.211
- cvs: apps/plugins vu_meter.c,1.1,1.2
- Daily Builds
- Daily builds, 3 ver of recorder, flashing questions
- daily builds, zip file structure
- Daily Builds...
- debugging the software
- Digital out line
- directory sorting
- Documentation for Daily Builds
- Does nobody use ARCHOS Stereo Microphone ??
- dynamic playlist/add_track plugin display update problems
- Ear/Line-out problem
- Error 255 and Error 2
- Errors at high levels
- Feature Request ? make Internationalisable .wps
- file menu
- file recorded on archos no program will play!
- firmware function in F1
- flashing & warranty
- FM reception
- fmr polarity
- Font not the same after resume?
- French language in terrible state on cvs
- Full firmware format
- FYA: ipodsdirtysecret
- Getting it to work on a V2 JBR20?
- Gmini 120
- Hard Drive choice
- Hd failure on recorder 20
- Help Recorder LCD
- Help Recorder LCD [replacement !]
- High Res Portable Recording from Core-Sound
- Hint on removing 400 files limit
- How do I...?
- how much would a non-updating LCD wps setting save my batteries?
- How to see if a patch is in CVS
- I flashed
- Incorrect battery level indication?
- Information for 2.1 Manual editors/updaters
- inoperable .rocks
- ipodsdirtysecret
- Is it impossible to replace the battery then?
- Is it time for a formal release?
- Is my hard drive locked? Need help with Linux unlock
- Is time split affected by the new frame accurate recording splits?
- Jackpot and Nim documentation
- Jukebox & Mac
- Keep up the pressure on Archos
- LCD Updates
- Little charging issue
- Main Menu option - Firmware
- Makefile for Win32 uisimulator
- Making waves
- More V2 info
- My FMR just died
- Need a new FM recorder LCD display
- New Bookmark Compiled Release - 11 Nov 03
- New HD
- none
- now Flash support for V2 recorders
- one week long time recording didn't work out
- Open source software for Archos Petition - please sign
- Open source software for Archos Petition - rectification (was: Open source software for Archos Petition - please sign)
- Organize .rockbox directory
- OT: Costs involved in manufacturing a product
- output level equalisation
- Patch for the french version
- playing through digital in/out
- playing through digital in/out -Thank you
- Possible Loose Ear Out connector
- Preferred recorder battery
- Preferred recorder battery:performance Settings was: recording suggestions
- Problem loading Rockbox into Recorder 20 V2
- problem recording
- Problem with fonts and filename-dialog
- Problem with my Line-In
- Problems and missing features
- Q: calendar memo format
- Questions of Rockbox on FMR
- RE : Resume on STOP behaviour
- Re(2): Need a new FM recorder LCD display
- Real world Programming practice: setting up dev environment
- recording failures (was A rockbox survey - and recording failures)
- Recording Settings
- recording suggestions
- Remote Control doesn't work
- Remote Control Unit
- Resume behavor
- Resume on STOP behaviour
- Rockbox 2.1 docs and language admin.
- rockbox installation
- RomBox charging bug on recoder seem to be solved
- Should lcd_puts stop the scrolling of a previous lcd_puts_scroll?
- Small rewind optimization hack
- spdif
- Spectrum emulator
- Stereo separation
- Strange Infos Rockbox screen
- Stupid question, sorry
- Suggestion on a 2.1 release
- Suggestion...
- Thanks Daniel - Rockbox on V2 now working!
- Thanks for PLAY_BUTTON->new_file while recording!
- Third Party Development
- Time split bug hunt
- Time split, long time recording and free music
- Trouble recording on large hard disk partition
- unique, automatically loaded EQ for each song
- V2 Recorder problems
- V2 recorder, what is that?
- v2 users
- What is Panic rec wrt -6?
- When does rockbox charge?
- Where can I find .ch8 files?
- Where to put patch.exe and such stuff?
- Which external microphone?
- working talkbox patch
- WPS Request
- Yipee!
- your mail
- zaurus and rockbox