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Subject: Re: ATA Error -52 HELP! WORSE NEWS


From: SteamShip <>
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2003 21:08:14 -0500

----- Original Message -----
From: "scott" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2003 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: ATA Error -52 HELP! WORSE NEWS

> --- SteamShip <> wrote:
> > So you consider the 20GB Recorder to be a "shitty little piece of
> > which is known to fail very often" ??? I wish everyone would have made
> > this clear about the 50277 model before I bought two of them. I am now
> > using the second one that I did not, and will not flash and it seems to
> > working well.
> every piece of hardware archos makes is shitty and known to fail often.
the rec20 just happens to
> be the least shitty of them all. once you get a good one it should last
for years, but many of
> archos' products are DOA.

I had never heard people describing that "every piece of hardware that
archos makes is shitty and known to fail often," nor that many of their
products are DOA. I don't know if that is the consensus of the more
sensible members of this consortium, but it surely does not make anyone want
to buy Archos, and as a consequence use Rockbox if that is true.

> > In addition, thank God I bought these from Amazon, because getting no
> > here, I complained by phone to Amazon that the unit was defective on
> > arrival. They cheerfully are shipping me a replacement at no charge 2
> > Airmail, and a pre-paid postage label for me to return this one. So, I
> > this is a lesson to everyone NOT TO FLASH THEIR FIRMWARE, or expect the
> > Rockbox email list to help solve your hardware failure problems.
> flashing very rarely goes wrong, and you yourself said you suspected the
HD and not the flashing.
> you're also taking the responses and opinions of people who don't
represent rockbox to be all
> there is. if you want a _good_ answer, it will probably come from jörg or
björn or linus. be
> patient and you'll get a good answer.

I actually do not know what is wrong, since I do not have access to a list
of the error codes to know what ATA -52 means. I am not computer
illiterate, as I do programming and have built at least 25 PC's from scratch
and numerous other hardware mods. I do not know if the flashing could have
caused this, but my guess is the HD was faulty based on noises and slow USB
2.0 transfers. That is just an educated guess.

I apologize to everyone for swearing and getting pissed off in the moment,
and hope to hear some words of wisdom from Jörg, Björn, or Linus rather than
the useless trash I responded to earlier. I do not yet know who the senior,
more knowledgeable people are yet.

> > I had sent the Rockbox Website PayPal $30 in appreciation of their
> > too. Oh well. Live and learn.
> rockbox is easily the most impressive use of oss i've ever used (even more
so with jörg's new
> greyscale doom awesomeness). would you still be using an archos at all if
it wasn't for rockbox?
> if you regret donating that much, kindly fuck off.
> -scott

That was also uncalled for Scott. Read my words. I did not say that I
regretted donating $30, so why don't you kindly fellate yourself with
comments that don't apply to what I said. I was disappointed in the moment.
In addition, knowing human nature, I seriously doubt most of this list
participants have donated money at all.
Received on 2003-12-14

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