Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Car mode questionsCar mode questions
From: Jorge E Ortiz S <jeortiz_at_teledinamica.com.mx>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 17:26:16 -0600 I am new to this list, I would first like to say that you have all done a great work with RockBox. We are planning on deploying hundreds of MP3 Players to play music on public transportation buses. In this application it is important that the whatever player we choose, it must shut down (or enter pause mode) when the bus engine is shut down, and that it powers up in play mode, all without driver intervention. As I understand "Car adapter mode" as implemented in Rockbox 2.1 will not shut down the player when the power is cut off, but rather it will place the player in "pause" mode. A timer can be set to completely shut down the player "Idle Poweroff" after a preset delay. If the power returns while in "pause" mode, the player will restart playing, however if the power returns after the player has completely shutdown, the player will boot into a "chargeing screen" mode (and will not resuem playing) on power up. Now the questions: 1) Can anyone provide an estimate of how long it will take for the rechargable batteries to discharge while the player is on "pause" mode? 2) There were some discussions on the list with "Subject: Starting RockBox from the hard drive with connected power supply..." about modifying the flashed RockBox to "remove the need for the charging screen altogether". How much effort would it take for us to create custom RockBox version without the "charging screen". Thanks in advance for your replies, I hope this is not offtopic. Received on 2003-12-17 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |