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Subject: Re: Poll, please read: What's your next MP3 player? Have you hardware problems with your Archos?

Re: Poll, please read: What's your next MP3 player? Have you hardware problems with your Archos?

From: Brian King <>
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 11:37:32 -0600

TP Diffenbach wrote:
> Please indicate in a reply to this post when you next expect to buy an MP3
> player, and what you plan to buy. Please indicate, on a scale of 1 to 5, how
> important it is to you to have Rockbox on your next player, as opposed to
> another firmware, with 1 being not important at all, and 5 being so
> important you would not buy a product that did not run Rockbox.

5. I would severely miss being able to hack the firmware myself.

> IF you have had hardware problems with your Archos, that required returning
> or repairing the unit, please include in your reply:
> how long you had the unit before the failure occurred,
> whether it was returned or repaired,
> and whether it is currently useable.

I've gone through 4 different archos units. Started with a Studio 20,
that lasted probably a year or so, then the charger connector broke
loose, so I got a replacement Studio 20. That died and I got a Recorder
20 as a replacement. That one died after a few months and I got an FMR
which I am now had for a few months and it is still working, knock on
wood. Have been considering buying another to have on hand, but now I
may wait to see what the next platform rockbox gets ported to.

Received on 2003-12-20

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