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Subject: Re: ANNOUNCE: Rockbox emulates M-Bus car CD changer (Alpine and OEM)

Re: ANNOUNCE: Rockbox emulates M-Bus car CD changer (Alpine and OEM)

From: [IDC]Dragon <>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 15:16:14 +0100 (MET)

> Just another silly question: Where did you find the 8 pin DIN connector?
What do you mean, the pinout or the physical plug? I was citing a URL for
the pinout.

> I now have to look around for a compatible cd changer, the 4 pin jack and
> the DIN...

Don't look for a changer, you need the radio. The Archos becomes the

> Hope I can find a still compatible changer. Do you think that any 8 pin
> connector will be M-Bus compatible?

Very likely.

> I dont think the remote api is so exotic. As you said, lot of people is
> looking for remote controlling the archos. There are lot of ways of
> controling the archos.
> As for the universal remote control, the principle is to mesure the time
> distance between logical switches with an interrupt and a timer. It is
> then
> easy to convert these distances to values according to the protocol.

No, it's more involved. Don't forget that the changer protocol is
bidirectional, we need to send, too. And then I want specific timeouts, etc.
In fact I do the receiving with the UART feature of the CPU (generating
interrupts, so I don't have to poll) and the sending by setting pulse edges in a
timer interrupt.


GMX ProMail (250 MB Mailbox, 50 FreeSMS, Virenschutz, 2,99 EUR/Monat...)
jetzt 3 Monate GRATIS + 3x DER SPIEGEL +++ +++
Received on 2004-02-13

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