Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Assembly optimization taken out (was Re: File system corruption)Assembly optimization taken out (was Re: File system corruption)
From: [IDC]Dragon <idc-dragon_at_gmx.de>
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 09:57:09 +0100 (MET) > I'll send you three versions of Rockbox in separate email. Can you please > test them? > "normal.ajz" should be like the daily build > "prefer_c.ajz" has the compile switch for not using the assembler code for > ATA > "waitstate.ajz" has an extra waitstate for the ATA registers The tests have shown that the assembler code doesn't reliably work on his disk, even with maximum waitstates. As I said before, this is most strange. It should be impossible to read the data "too fast". But reality has shown different for some users. I'm very sorry for any kind of data loss this has caused. How could I have foreseen that? The code itself is trivial and OK, but somehow causing a timing problem. What a pity that it has to go, it was really faster, a nice to have. Maybe we can clarify this mystery one day. Again sorry, Jörg -- GMX ProMail (250 MB Mailbox, 50 FreeSMS, Virenschutz, 2,99 EUR/Monat...) jetzt 3 Monate GRATIS + 3x DER SPIEGEL +++ http://www.gmx.net/derspiegel +++ _______________________________________________ http://cool.haxx.se/mailman/listinfo/rockboxReceived on 2004-02-15 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |