Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Re: Video plugin and tools problems/limitationsRe: Video plugin and tools problems/limitations
From: [IDC]Dragon <idc-dragon_at_gmx.de>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 04:48:04 +0100 (MET) > First of all I have to say: excellent work, Jörg! Thanks! > Now on topic: As I like the new video-with-audio feature very > much, I did convert quite a number of videos to rvf and as I > also like to test extreme cases, I summarize my findings here. BTW, what's the battery life with video, since you seem to do long runs? I haven't tried, and for 8MB it's much longer. > Problems with the tools and the video conversion path: > > - "AVItoYUV" does not read AVIs >= 2 GB (about 1:06h at RGB24 > uncompressed, 112x64, 25fps (PAL)) -> longer films have to > be split into 2GB packets to convert them to YUV. As YUV > are only raw frames without header, you can re-join the > packets after conversion, so this is a minor problem. As > AVItoYUV is probably not Jörg's development (file date!), > he may not be able to correct this problem either. This tool is from Microsoft. I don't have the sourcecode for it. > - "Halftone" does not read YUVs >= 2 GB (about 2:12h at 25fps > (PAL)) -> longer films have to be halftoned in 2 GB packets. > As RVF without audio is also headerless, you can also join > the packets after conversion, but since the frames in the > RVF are not independent (halftoning is done across several > frames!), you see a small glitch at the joint. I tested > this with "Lord of the Rings 1" (yep!) I think this can be changed to 4 GB, have to look into it. > - "RVF_MUX" has problems multiplexing the video with audio > that uses MPEG2 or MPEG2.5 sample rates (24k-22.05k-16k-12k- > 11.025k-8k): "Audio sync error in file <MP3file> at > <position>, possibly corrupted" is displayed multiple (many) > times, sometimes rvf_mux even hangs. All test MP3s were > prepared with LAME 3.95, CBR and VBR. MPEG2 should work. I have not implemented the 2.5 audio formats, but this can be easily changed. > > Problems with the video.rock: > > The plugin resets ALL audio settings EXCEPT volume to their > defaults (on the chip, but not in the firmware!) (that is > 0 dB for treble, bass, loudness; 0% for balance, bass boost; > stereo channel configuration). You have to enter each setting > in the sound settings menu and up/down them by one in order > to get them back or reload the from a .cfg file. Strange, I only set the volume, because it can be muted when the plugin starts. The others I don't touch. Maybe there are dependencies, do I have to set all audio settings? Somebody familiar with that code? > Again: keep up the good work! I try. I'm (slowly) working on a one-click tool to convert AVI and MPEG. This will be Windows-only, since it uses the DirectShow infrastructure. halftone and rvf_mux are portable. Jörg -- GMX ProMail (250 MB Mailbox, 50 FreeSMS, Virenschutz, 2,99 EUR/Monat...) jetzt 3 Monate GRATIS + 3x DER SPIEGEL +++ http://www.gmx.net/derspiegel +++ _______________________________________________ http://cool.haxx.se/mailman/listinfo/rockboxReceived on 2004-02-17 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |