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Subject: Re: i knew better but......

Re: i knew better but......

From: Brendan Hack <>
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2004 12:09:48 +1000

Whoops, my email client seems to think that my second paragraph is in reply to someone else and marks it as from a previous mail. To avoid confusion here's the properly formatted version. For all mozilla users out there, don't start a paragraph with the word 'From', It'll screw up your formatting.

Original mail:

I just managed to blow the charging circuit on my original model recorder (20gig). The tip on the charger I've always used somehow got turned around so it was supplying a -ve center instead of +ve. This is despite the fact that the tip is securely taped it's connector specifically to prevent this from occuring. So it's time to get myself a new charging IC and decide whether my soldering skills are up to scratch or find someone with the necessary skills. If only I still worked at the Engineering Department at VUT, plenty of people there to help me out.

A previous email from Jorg ( leads me to understand that I need an MC34063A to replace the existing chip on the back of the main board (which seems to be the one labelled 34063A in the bottom right of, though I couldn't seem to find this chip on the schematic at I'd just like to confirm that this is what I need and whether I need the 8-SOP or 8-DIP version. I think it's the 8-SOP going by the photo. Also, does anyone know where I could pick one of these up in Australia? I'm going to try Dick Smith later today but I have the feeling I'll need to do go somewhere a bit more specialised.

thanks for any help


Received on 2004-04-06

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