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Subject: Re: Voice entries and translations!?

Re: Voice entries and translations!?

From: [IDC]Dragon <>
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 11:41:08 +0200 (MEST)

> So a reasonable approach is then to use the same string as for the
> native language for the voice entry?

Yes, but only for the strings which are truely voiced (reference is the
english.lang, if it's non-blank there). Otherwise you'll make your voice file
unnecessary large. We have problems to fit it already.

> And when voice support for the
> particular language comes around then adjust the voice settings
> accordingly. (So uplang could even set the empty voice entries to the
> translated string if the voice entry is empty!?)

See above. It can be envisioned that some clever script reads the
english.lang in parallel, and only generates voice clips if there's an entry.
I see the problem of syncing it. Every time an existing entry gets newly
voiced, the other language files would have to follow this. A kind of "enable"
by the english file might be better.

> Curious: Is it possible to have one language for voice and another for
> text?

You can "fool" it by renaming the voice file of your choice to the languge
you use. But I'm not going for independent selections.


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Received on 2004-04-07

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