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Subject: Re: need a function to delete an (empty) directory

Re: need a function to delete an (empty) directory

From: [IDC]Dragon <>
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2004 12:49:41 +0200 (MEST)

> Does somebody have a rmdir function "in the drawer", or have I overlooked
> a possible way?
> I don't feel like messing around in that part of the code, would welcome
> some help.

I had a deeper look, to my best understanding I've written the function
below, from tidbits of the directory and file delete code. (What does
fat_truncate do?) But it doesn't seem to have an effect at all, the directory stays. The
file and FAT code is very sparsely commented, hence the cc to the authors.

Sorry for bothering,

int rmdir(char* name)
    int rc;
    DIR* dir;
    struct dirent* entry;
    dir = opendir(name);
    if (!dir)
        errno = ENOENT; /* open error */
        return -1;

    /* check if the directory is empty */
    while ((entry = readdir(dir)))
        if (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") &&
            strcmp(entry->d_name, ".."))
            DEBUGF("rmdir error: not empty\n");
            errno = ENOTEMPTY;
            return -1;

    rc = fat_truncate(&(dir->fatdir.file));
    if ( rc < 0 ) {
        DEBUGF("Failed truncating dir: %d\n", rc);
        errno = EIO;
        rc = -1;

    rc = fat_remove(&(dir->fatdir.file));
    if ( rc < 0 ) {
        DEBUGF("Failed removing dir: %d\n", rc);
        errno = EIO;
        rc = -1;

    return rc;

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Ab sofort DSL-Tarif ohne Grundgebühr:
Received on 2004-04-09

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