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Subject: Re: Video.rock plugin request

Re: Video.rock plugin request

From: [IDC]Dragon <>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 10:32:44 +0200 (MEST)

> I find myself using the video.rock plugin more than any other feature on
> my Recorder 20.

Maybe you should consider getting one of the AV models then?
Especially the upcoming AV500 looks _very_ promising. It's running Linux, is
an open system, you'll be able to bring in your own applications. Rockbox
could be "just" a player application on it.

> One addition would REALLY improve my usability. Is it
> possible to add a contrast adjustment during playback? I know I can exit
> out of video.rock and adjust LCD contrast in the main menus, but it seems
> every video file needs a slightly different contrast to view optimally.

The #1 objective would then be to encode the videos in a way that they look
OK with the standard contrast you use for the text display. The min/max/gamma
settings are not in the DirectShow filter yet, but will be.

> If perhaps the F1 and F2 keys could be used for contract up and contrast
> down, while in playback, that would be incredible.

It requires to export the contrast setting over the plugin API. I'll have a
look next time. The issue is a bit more complex because while playing the LCD
is driven within a timer interrupt, I must not fiddle with it from outside
that, e.g. in the foreground app which checks the buttons. So the contrast
change has to be communicated to and executed from thist timer.

> I love this plugin!!

I'm a bit puzzled on how somebody can stand this video "quality" for
anything serious, but well...
I wrote it rather out of a technical challenge than to really use it.


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Received on 2004-04-13

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