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Subject: Re: Help on voice feature install

Re: Help on voice feature install

From: Brian Wolven <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 21:22:55 -0400

a f wrote:

> It's working now! Thanks for your help. I downloaded
> the voice file and installed, and check the menus. I'm
> not sure either of these were actually solutions. I
> suspect the problem was that I was playing music at
> the time, paused it, and (perhaps by design) the menus
> don't seem to work with music on pause. When I chose
> stop instead the menus worked fine.
> If I may suggest, in a box already overflowing with
> options, it would be nice if the "spell" option could
> be configured to speak faster. :)
> Is it possible to generate those .TLK mp3s using the
> script or do I need special (purchased) Microsoft
> Speech software?

The script is currently configured to create .dirname.tbx clips for you.
If and when the file name and extension are changed, it will need to be
updated. I think it still works with the current builds, however - it
did as of the 12th, at least. If you're running Windows XP, you probably
have all you need to generate the .tbx clips already. If not, you need
to install the SAPI 5 voices from Microsoft in one form or another. I
think Aman Singer recently posted a link to some software that would do
this in a much smaller package than the huge MS Speech SDK. I don't have
the link handy ATM, but if you search recent posts it ought to turn up.

Received on 2004-04-15

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