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Subject: RE: battery status not spoken

RE: battery status not spoken

From: [IDC]Dragon <>
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 22:24:49 +0200 (MEST)


this is a bit strange, I have to check what's on my webspace, maybe I copied
the wrong stuff?

In general, the voice file on the haxx rockbox site can't be more up to date
than mine, because I've been the source.

If the vocabulary for the battery level announce is missing in the voice
file, it should still say the number and percentage, because that should be
available. Voice IDs used by Rockbox but not included in the voice files are
just ignored, the rest should still work.


> Hi.
> The battery status now speaks. Thanks to Arnaud for his suggestion
> of the voice file as being the culprit. I flashed today's build, put in
> the
> Mary voice file from Jörg's site, and the battery status was not spoken.
> However, when I downloaded the english.voice from the rockbox site, the
> battery status was spoken with that voice file installed. I don't know if
> you're planning to continue the availability of the Mary voice, Jörg, but
> if so, you might like to update that voice file.
> Aman

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Received on 2004-04-17

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