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Subject: Re: Usefull features

Re: Usefull features

From: Pierrotsmnrd <>
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 21:42:40 +0200

Hi all :)

First, I have to clarify something.
I wasn't pointing at you, Jörg. I'm not criticizing your job, not at all !!
I just intended asking some features. What you do is very great (and then, I
point at all the time you can spend programming for rockbox, and the noble
aim of Talkbox.;))

I agree with you all. Talkbox is very useful. I wan't calling into question
the usefulness of this plugin. It's really interesting (and rare) to see
that people can help other people, just for the fun of helping.

So, I want it to be clear => I wasn't blaming you ! really not...

If I know programming, I could help. but unfortunately I don't know. I just
know basics of C/C++ (no more than the pointers... but I've almost forgot
everything I used to know about these languages, I read docs a long time ago
...) I think it's not enough to help :(

>We also have constant need for non-programming skills, like writing
>documentation, doing usability and beta testing, specifying stringent UI
>flows, etc.

hum, that's interesting... what do you need exactely ? I would be proud to
help. I can test... and I'm french, so if you need a french translator, you
can ask me ... (although french speaker must be already in your team.)

really sorry for the misunderstanding.

have a nice day (or night) all. :)


Received on 2004-04-18

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