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Subject: Re: AJB wake up in car application

Re: AJB wake up in car application

From: Tom Cole <>
Date: Sat, 01 May 2004 10:05:25 +1200


I believe that the 'car wake up option only works with flashed units.
With non-flashed units the Archos software takes control when power is
applied from 'off' state, and starts charging the unit. Rockbox does not
get a look-in in this case.

I see in another thread that your unit (Studio 20) is not flashed, so
this will be why you cannot get this option to work.

Tom Cole

On Fri, 30 Apr 2004 21:21:21 +0200 (MEST), you wrote:

>Hi Andreas,
>I did some more tries (see below):
>> > Ok, waht I do is:
>> >
>> > a)
>> > - AJB off
>> > - Power plug connected
>> > - Green LED goes on and shortly after the display backlight but still
>> > without any text
>> > - I remove the power plug
>> > -> AJB shuts off after some seconds
>> Did you try keeping the plug in a _little_ bit longer? It was obviously
>> too short.
>I tested with some different durations manually, everytime with the same
>result that the AJB shuts off.
>If I let the adapter plugged in for some more time, I can observe the
>following behaviour:
>1. After plugging in, 1st the green LED goes on
>2. then the display backlight goes on
>3. then the display backlight goes off
>4. then it shows battery charging (as I undrstood, that's too late)
>So I tried to plugg off the adapter somewhere between 1. and 3.
>> > b)
>> > - AJB off
>> > - Power plug connected
>> > - Green LED goes on and shortly after the display backlight but still
>> > without any text
>> > - I remove the power plug and put it in again
>> When did you put it in again? If your box shows the charging screen, it
>> was to early.
>> Andreas
>I just plugged it off when the backlight was going on, then shortly after I
>plugged it in again (w/o having any text on the display yet).
>I let it plugged in and after some seconds it shows "BATTERY CHARGING..."

Tom Cole
New Zealand
Received on 2004-05-01

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