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Subject: Re: power on mod and access to the SC1 pin

Re: power on mod and access to the SC1 pin

From: <>
Date: Wed, 5 May 2004 22:27:14 +0200 (MEST)

> > As I remember, the contact of the buttons is done with some rubber
> > contacts,
> > equal to those in TV remotes.
> No, it has "real" pushbuttons, similar to what's inside a mouse. Otherwise
> you wouldn't get a tactile click.

Aaaaah, ok - I was not remembering well...
Anyhow there should be some space available for some solder work.

> > So using the JB's uC, or your one in your HW ?
> > Unfortunately Atmel uC's don't have tristate outs....
> They sure do, I've used them this way myself. You have to reprogram a pin
> as
> an input, then it becomes high impedance.
> Jörg

THX - that's new to me.
I was once trying around as fooled.....

Means you need to configure the port pin as input and then outputting to it
as it would have been configured as output - is it like this ?

Sent by: Matthias Klumpp
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Received on 2004-05-05

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