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Subject: Re: Rockbox talks

Re: Rockbox talks

From: Selamet Aydogdu <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 13:14:05 +0200 (MEST)

> What Archos unit do you have?
I Use the Archos Jukebox 20GB Recorder

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Selamet" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 12:01 PM
> Subject: (no subject)
> Hello, I tryed your Instructions, but Archos doesn't talk and I haven't a
> menu point that named "Voice" or some thing like that. If you can send me
> a
> Zip-File
> with the files for the .rockbox-directory? So I can directly extract this
> files with the settings that I like?
> Thanks!
> Selamet
> Zitat anfang
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rocker []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 4:49 AM
> To: Selamet
> Subject: Rockbox talking
> Hello, Just in case you are still having trouble here's a good script to
> follow to get your unit talking.
> Hi.
> To activate the talking menus on the Archos, you first need to
> download the daily build of rockbox. This is not the stable version 2.2,
> but
> a later build, and is available at
> Make sure to download the build for your unit, whether Player,
> Recorder, FM Recorder, or Recorder V2. Then install it as you would any
> other version of rockbox. Extract the .zip file to the root directory of
> your archos. You should now have a .rockbox directory in the root
> directory
> of your unit. Make sure that you have a file called archos.mod file
> (player), or ajbrec.ajz (recorders), in the root of your archos. This file
> is the actual firmware file. The .rockbox directory contains plug-ins and
> configuration information. Now download the language.voice file (note,
> when
> I say to manipulate the language.voice file, I mean the specific voice for
> a
> language. That is, the voice file for English is called english.voice, the
> German voice is called deutsch.voice, etc.) from
> The voice file is one of the .zip files in that directory.
> is the English AT&T voice Crystal speaking the prompts,
> is the English Microsoft Mary voice speaking, and is a German
> voice. Voices for French and other English voices are available from
> The Crystal voice is natural but sometimes mispronounces things, the
> Mary voice is robotic but has good pronunciation.
> Make a langs directory (if such a directory doesn't exist already),
> inside the .rockbox directory on your archos and put the language.voice
> file
> into that. That is, the path to the language voice file should be
> j:/.rockbox/langs/language.voice
> Assuming your archos is assigned drive letter J. Now disconnect your
> archos as usual, turn it on, and hit menu. You should have talking menus.
> Now, you'll need to get your directories and file numbers spoken or
> spelled.
> There are three ways to get the directories talking. You can have
> them announced by number (folder 1, folder 2, etc), have them spelled
> audibly, (M U S I C), or have them announced through recorded clips. To
> have
> them announced by number or spelled, simply change the setting in menu
> />general settings/> voice. There's an option called "voice directories".
> You can set it to off, numbers, spell, on enter, or while hovering. The
> last
> two options relate to voice clips, but the first three don't need voice
> clips.
> If you want your directory names spoken as words, rather than
> spelled or given numbers, you need to know that rockbox doesn't have any
> capabilities. It wants to see a file called
> in the folder. That _dirname file contains the name of the folder in
> MP3 format. One of the rockbox programmers has released a script to create
> these files automatically see
> to get that script and
> to get the lame executable which it requires. Install lame, copy
> lame.exe and the mp3clipgen.vbs script you get from the first link above
> to
> the same directory, then run the mp3clipgen.vbs script. You will be asked
> to
> enter the folder where all your music is stored. Enter the path to your
> jukebox (make sure it's connected). That is, if your jukebox is drive
> letter
> J:, enter
> j:\
> and hit enter. The script should, in a few minutes, give you a
> success message.
> Disconnect the jukebox and reboot it as usual. You'll need to set
> the voice directories option alluded to above to while hovering or on
> enter,
> depending on whether you want your directories spoken when you enter them
> with play or right arrow, or as you hover over them.
> To get names or numbers spelled or spoken for your files, you need
> only set the "voice files" option in the voice submenu of the general
> settings submenu off the main menu to either spell or numbers. Your files,
> as you go through them with the arrows, will either have their names
> spelled
> or numbers spoken for them.
> rocker
> Zitat ende
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Received on 2004-06-02

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