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Subject: Re: ROMbox for fm recorders?

Re: ROMbox for fm recorders?

From: [IDC]Dragon <>
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 10:08:25 +0200 (MEST)

> > There is another way for FM users, which is possible already today:
> > You can "downflash" your FM to become a V2 recorder model. The Archos
> > firmware part of it won't have FM capabilities any more. But Rockbox
> > will, since the FM and V2 build are identical. The tuner is detected
> > at runtime and the radio gets enabled. So no difference if you are a
> > Rockbox purist.
> this sounds like a great solution. would this be temporary or longterm?

Temporary, I'd say.

> how much code is left to optimize?

You mean, how much space is missing? None, since ROMbox is available for the
V2 recorder. But there isn't too much left either. Rockbox may soon grow out
of the ROM again, first for the V2 because it has 4 KB less behind the
Archos software.


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Received on 2004-08-02

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