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Subject: Re: Updated: Rockbox running directly from flash rom (ROMbox)

Re: Updated: Rockbox running directly from flash rom (ROMbox)

From: Gary <>
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2004 06:28:16 -0500 (GMT-05:00)

I have been running rombox on my V2 for a couple of weeks. What tests do you need? Let me know, and I will participate. Just remember that you are talking to a tech idiot. I have not used the viewers, because I have nothing to try them with. Any suggestions. The only bug I have seen, is it sometimes RLOD's in the middle of a song. I can power it off, and then back on and it works fine after that. It has happened twive in about 4 hours of use. I had no instances of it locking up before rombox.


-----Original Message-----
From: Salokyn <>
Sent: Aug 4, 2004 4:18 AM
Subject: Re: Updated: Rockbox running directly from flash rom (ROMbox)

Jens Arnold a écrit :
> Hello all,
> I updated my ROMbox builds again to the latest cvs. With my
> latest changes it should give you about 1 KB more mp3 buffer.
> Please test and report if anything doesn't work as expected!
> The instructions are not enclosed this time, as I don't like to
> repeat myself over and over without reason. Get ROMbox here:
> Recorder V1:
> Recorder V2:
> Recorder FM: n/a
> Player/Studio: n/a
> then install and flash it as you would do with an ordinary daily
> build.
> Another hint: It seems that nobody has done runtime tests with a
> recorder V2 so far...
> Regards, Jens
> _______________________________________________

on JBRV1 recording doesn't work (allways that f***ing freeze at 30 bytes
i have sometimes but i have it everytime with ROMbox)

except that, i've seen no problem :-) I have 1.805MB buffer with my config.


Received on 2004-08-04

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