Rockbox mailing lists
- Re: Updated again: Rockbox running directly from flash rom (ROMbox) Joseph Jones (2004-07-31)
- Re: ROMbox for fm recorders? Tom Cole (2004-07-31)
- Patch submitted to add id3 tag support to file tree browser Jonathan Deonarine (2004-07-31)
- Re: Different Charger for 2200 mAh Batteries? blaou (2004-07-31)
- error accessing playlist control file Amanda Redmond-Neal (2004-07-31)
- New Member - Thanks from Blind User John Gurd (2004-08-01)
- FM Recorder developed two Faults John Gurd (2004-08-01)
- Metronome enhancements? Stefan Hahn (2004-08-01)
- Re: Dead Drive! Compact Flash - IDE Adapter Dan Richardson (2004-08-01)
- Buffer full error Drew Panko (2004-08-01)
- Original 'firmware_fm.bin' Stephen Curtis (2004-08-02)
- RB Directory listing order Fred (2004-08-02)
- Dead drive, resurrection!!! Abdul-Khaliq Nathekar (2004-08-02)
- RE: on+play menu Michael Elsdörfer (2004-08-02)
- Batteries and Charging Gordon Smith (2004-08-02)
- Battery question related to Archos Mat Holton (2004-08-03)
- Simulator question Tobi (2004-08-03)
- FYI Rocker (2004-08-03)
- Problemsrecording (bug tracker 991268) Paul van der Heu (2004-08-03)
- Updated: Rockbox running directly from flash rom (ROMbox) Jens Arnold (2004-08-03)
- Archos JB Recorder V2 - No FM Scott B McDowall (2004-08-03)
- Archos Jukebox Recorder V2 - Help Scott B McDowall (2004-08-04)
- Recorder : No more Voice and Auto Power On ? Matthias Klumpp (2004-08-04)
- Playback speed halved, record speed doubled. Peter van Hardenberg (2004-08-04)
- Recording PANIC error Martin Borus (2004-08-05)
- Power Connector? David Henderson (2004-08-05)
- Drive Size? Robert L. Harris (2004-08-05)
- MDB Settings ?? Matthias Klumpp (2004-08-05)
- External Serial LCD Display / Keypad Andy Finney (2004-08-05)
- Questions about LiIon charger circuit and power drain Christi Alice Scarborough (2004-08-06)
- Recorder V2 Scott B McDowall (2004-08-06)
- Mistaken V2 Recorder... John Gurd (2004-08-07)
- Installing 80GB Hard Drive John Gurd (2004-08-07)
- JB jumping back to root with Resume/Car Adapter ? Matthias Klumpp (2004-08-07)
- hd error message when charging batteries Ansgar (2004-08-07)
- Safe Poweroff: Still a little graphic bug Salokyn (2004-08-07)
- Re: HDD error + No spin (=> ATA error -11) Oliver (2004-08-07)
- strange behavior on file list Glenn Ervin at Home (2004-08-07)
- Missing mp3 files M.W. Forté II (2004-08-08)
- Emergency Charge? David Henderson (2004-08-08)
- JBFMR20 -error showing USB mode Steve Waller (2004-08-08)
- Turns out it was a V1 Recorder John Gurd (2004-08-08)
- V1 Recorder Batteries John Gurd (2004-08-08)
- Scandisk John Gurd (2004-08-08)
- Problem with mp3gain and continuous play Johan Vromans (2004-08-08)
- Updated: browsing using id3 tags/display names Jonathan Deonarine (2004-08-08)
- ata -41 problem - solved ! VoronoV (2004-08-08)
- mp3 cutting and pasting basslover (2004-08-09)
- Play mutes ?bug? Stu Engelke (2004-08-09)
- JBFMR20 - clicking noise and flashing green light - help! Steve Waller (2004-08-09)
- Automatic level control for recording Lyndon (2004-08-09)
- how much noise is from the Archos? Mat Holton (2004-08-10)
- Multipul configurations (2004-08-10)
- Help!!! JBFMR20 -error showing USB mode Steve Waller (2004-08-10)
- recording troubles appear solved Paul van der Heu (2004-08-10)
- battery going dead from sitting idle? Gary (2004-08-10)
- Anyone interested in a new in sealed box V-2 for $187 shipped? Gary (2004-08-10)
- Dead Jukebox Recorder 20 Adrian Smith (2004-08-11)
- Very strange: update of flashed image impossible since DB of july 18 Martin Kirchner (2004-08-11)
- 1 brand new V1 JBR10 for sale at dabs Stuart Tedford (2004-08-12)
- firmware_rec.bin ? VoronoV (2004-08-12)
- Qeustion about voice in menus Aregullin, Manuel (2004-08-12)
- RE: talkbox is not working. Aregullin, Manuel (2004-08-12)
- Merci pour le message Karim BENAMOR (2004-08-12)
- Questions regarding installing rombox Aregullin, Manuel (2004-08-12)
- Merci pour le message Karim BENAMOR (2004-08-12)
- confusing instructions for rombox/flash programming. George Michaelson (2004-08-12)
- charging ezankel01 (2004-08-12)
- Merci pour le message Karim BENAMOR (2004-08-13)
- Rombox Joseph Jones (2004-08-13)
- French Rockbox translation Fred (2004-08-13)
- Fwd: French Rockbox translation Fred (2004-08-13)
- problem adding v2.bin (2004-08-13)
- blank display as of latest cvs John Covici (2004-08-13)
- Dead V2 Recorder James Foster (2004-08-13)
- Gmini x20 efforts, info? Udo van den Heuvel (2004-08-14)
- Writing to CF possible w/ Gmini 220? Udo van den Heuvel (2004-08-14)
- MDB backwards compatible? basslover (2004-08-15)
- (no subject) Todd Wallace (2004-08-15)
- my rocking box is no more Daniel Stenberg (2004-08-16)
- downloading patches Tasha Raella Chemel (2004-08-16)
- OT, but I need some help rinty (2004-08-16)
- Auto-removing bookmarks Johan Vromans (2004-08-16)
- PayPal Donations Andreas Stemmer (2004-08-17)
- Coding standard change :) BlueChip (2004-08-17)
- Dead JBM 20 Todd Wallace (2004-08-17)
- new rockbox platform? Neon John (2004-08-17)
- Does anyone has a CPU board of a V1 recorder for sale ? Bertrand (2004-08-18)
- JBV2 recorder Hard drive noises... Patrick Henderson (2004-08-18)
- Rombox recording ok? Jeff N (2004-08-18)
- Fwd: Re: Dead JBM 20 Todd Wallace (2004-08-18)
- new hardware reflexion (2004-08-19)
- Serial port on V2/FM? Christi Alice Scarborough (2004-08-19)
- did my box just die???? Dennis Lui (2004-08-19)
- [Fwd: How to wakeup Recorder V2...] Carsten Tschach (2004-08-19)
- News about charging problem ??? Matthias Klumpp (2004-08-19)
- recording woes.. Paul van der Heu (2004-08-19)
- Two much power- consumption for HD- spinup with original Disk. How uch is allowed Markus Grebenstein (2004-08-20)
- AW: News about charging problem ??? Matthias Klumpp (2004-08-20)
- Messed Up Rockbox On Recorder V1? Barry Toner (2004-08-21)
- ResolvedRe: Messed Up Rockbox On Recorder V1? Barry Toner (2004-08-21)
- HELP! Recorder V2 seems to be dead! Carsten Tschach (2004-08-22)
- Quoting (was Re: Messed Up Rockbox On Recorder V1) Fabian Cenedese (2004-08-23)
- Help with battery problems.. Kyle McGee (2004-08-23)
- Updated: Rockbox running directly from flash rom (ROMbox) Jens Arnold (2004-08-23)
- Rockbox and Archos Ondio 128mb Ram Player and FM/Voice Recorder G. McFarlane (2004-08-22)
- ROMbox on the FM [IDC]Dragon (2004-08-24)
- List of possible Hardware Alternatives... anmelden (2004-08-24)
- 3.5" hdd? Bob Allsopp (2004-08-24)
- flashing my ajbr Newbeewan (2004-08-24)
- The new french tranlation file needs testing ! Fred (2004-08-24)
- Neuros source released Doug L (2004-08-24)
- Feature Request: USB HDD only Custom Rom. Joel Wiramu Pauling (2004-08-25)
- RE: USB spindown (was RE: Feature Request: USB HDD only Custom Ro m.) Stuart Tedford (2004-08-25)
- Battery Question. Joel Wiramu Pauling (2004-08-25)
- JBR V2 Disk Spin-up After AC Disconect but Unit is Off Lyndon (2004-08-25)
- question Chris Jones (2000-08-26)
- Getting out of recording screen (2004-08-26)
- Unrecognizable filenames after upgrade to Fedora Core 2 Johan Vromans (2004-08-26)
- Re: bagder: firmware/export font.h,1.5,1.6 (2004-08-27)
- Battery Problems.. Kyle McGee (2004-08-27)
- voice files updated (2004-08-27)
- no Radio on my FMR Menu (2004-08-27)
- My box don't rock vincent (2004-08-27)
- JBR V2 Disk Spin-up After AC Disconect,Even When Power is Off Lyndon Drescher (2004-08-27)
- Archos charges, Rockbox doesn't Dan Richardson (2004-08-27)
- Can't get back the FM Radio (2004-08-28)
- Jukebox hangs up Emanuel Fluck (2004-08-28)
- For sale Mayur M. Patel (2004-08-28)
- Dead JBM 20, Buy an LCD Screen? Todd Wallace (2004-08-28)
- Hello. Help! Kyle McGee (2004-08-30)
- Audio quality differences between Player and Recorder ? Matthias Klumpp (2004-08-30)
- Recording issues Paul van der Heu (2004-08-30)
- Playing one track at a time John & Vicki ten Velde (2004-08-31)
- Re: Rockbox Digest, Vol 7, Issue 68 Frederik Möllers (2004-08-31)
- iRiver - good? open? Mat Holton (2004-08-31)
- Re: A-B repeat Glenn at Home (2004-08-31)
- (no subject) Sandra (2004-08-31)