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Subject: RE: my box rocks!, not second test of link to post

RE: my box rocks!, not second test of link to post

From: Aman Singer <>
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2004 16:34:17 +0400

Hi, Vincent.
        You asked

What I wasn't sure of. Is there any other user intervention other than
downloading the 2 files?

        Yes, when you finish downloading the two files, you need to run the
        After it finishes installing the Lame encoder, you need to copy the
vbs script to your Lame directory. You can then run the VBS script by
double-clicking or hitting enter on it. Make sure your jukebox is connected
to your system and enter the drive letter of the jukebox if the music is
already on the jukebox. Alternatively, if you haven't yet copied your music
to the jukebox, enter the drive letter and directory you have your music in.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of vincent
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 4:27 PM
To: Rockbox development
Subject: Re: my box rocks!, not second test of link to post

If you want your directory names spoken as words, rather than spelled
or given numbers, you need to know that rockbox doesn't have any TTS
capabilities. It wants to see a file called '' in the
folder. That _dirname file contains the name of the folder in MP3
format. One of the rockbox programmers has released a script to create
these files automatically see

to get that script and

to get the lame executable which it requires. Install lame, copy
lame.exe and the mp3clipgen.vbs script you get from the first link
above to the same directory, then run the mp3clipgen.vbs script. You
will be asked to enter the folder where all your music is stored.
Enter the path to your jukebox (make sure it's connected). That is, if
your jukebox is drive letter J:, enter 'j:\' and hit enter. The script
should, in a few minutes, give you a success message.

What I wasn't sure of. Is there any other user intervention other than
downloading the 2 files?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Wolven" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 12:05 AM
Subject: Re: my box rocks!, not second test of link to post

> Brian Wolven wrote:
> > <ch1rem$v13$>
> ...but he obviously wasn't paying attention when he did it. =)
> In any case, what I was trying to point out was the info orginally
> posted by Aman Singer regarding the additional speech options available
> with rockbox - speaking of folder names, etc. I'll just insert the
> relevant material here, and suggest that you also look at the following
> links:
> ... and here are Aman's notes on getting folder names spoken:
> If you want your directory names spoken as words, rather than spelled
> or given numbers, you need to know that rockbox doesn't have any TTS
> capabilities. It wants to see a file called '' in the
> folder. That _dirname file contains the name of the folder in MP3
> format. One of the rockbox programmers has released a script to create
> these files automatically see
> to get that script and
> to get the lame executable which it requires. Install lame, copy
> lame.exe and the mp3clipgen.vbs script you get from the first link
> above to the same directory, then run the mp3clipgen.vbs script. You
> will be asked to enter the folder where all your music is stored.
> Enter the path to your jukebox (make sure it's connected). That is, if
> your jukebox is drive letter J:, enter 'j:\' and hit enter. The script
> should, in a few minutes, give you a success message.
> Disconnect the jukebox and reboot it as usual. You'll need to set the
> voice directories option alluded to above to while hovering or on
> enter, depending on whether you want your directories spoken when you
> enter them with play or right arrow, or as you hover over them.
> To get names or numbers spelled or spoken for your files, you need
> only set the "voice files" option in the voice submenu of the general
> settings submenu off the main menu to either spell or numbers. Your
> files, as you go through them with the arrows, will either have their
> names spelled or numbers spoken for them.
> _______________________________________________


Received on 2004-09-01

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