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Subject: RE: recover lost recording file

RE: recover lost recording file

From: devtrick <>
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 17:39:26 +0200 (CEST)

> VanBaren, Gerald (AGRE) wrote:
> > Linus Nielsen Feltzing wrote:
> > The Rockbox implementation of the FAT32 system
> > creates a
> > valid dir entry
> > when the file is opened, so the file exists before
> > anything
> > is written
> > to it.
> Interesting. I was running a fairly old version, I
> forgot what one, but upgraded back to the top of CVS
> about a month ago. I have not done an unintentional
> shutdown since then. Perhaps this is a lot of noise
> about a problem that has already been fixed.

OK - using an old daily build (unfortunately i'm still
using daily-build from 05/30/2004) is really my fault.
At first i wanted to upgrade to an actual build but
"never stop a running system" and i didn't know, that
the auto-off problem is fixed now (wasn't this a

Was this bug in fsync() during that time around

Actually i'm really asking myself, if i was too stupid
to start the recording (again - i'm really sure i
did), was there a bug in the old firmware, or ist
the recording still on the hdd as happend to GVB with
his old firmware.

If i hadn't start the recording the unit would have
been turned off after 10 minutes.
Maybe this don't happen when a bug occurs and the
firmware freezes somehow?

But the fact, that my AJB was still running till my
hard-shutdown after 30 minutes, let me still hope
that's the same problem GVB has had.

At the other hand I scanned all clusters for the
"Rockbox" string in the recording-header and found
only some old recordings. Other attempts to find an
Rockbox-Mp3 header in the unused clusters did fail,
means found only one recording i deleted the day
before. Is the header written during finalizing of the
file or before recording starts?

Because it's really important to me to get this
recording i started now listening thru all unused
clusters. But it's hard to find a program wich ignores
the data parts between the stream. mp3directcut jumps
to the end of file when hitting a data part. Now i use
Winamp - but that's not perfect cause you see no



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Received on 2004-10-08

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