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Subject: Dumped by Christi! Help!! even the MP3 player won't talk to me.

Dumped by Christi! Help!! even the MP3 player won't talk to me.

From: rinty <>
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 21:23:33 +0100

Hi all, I'm sorry, but I need help!.

I'm trying to install rockbox on the new jukebox 6000 I got from ebay
the other week. It had Rockbox on it, but I deleted it, as I removed
everything off the drive yesterday, and accidentally deleted the
archos.mod file. Rockbox was working with a scratchy microsoft voice
doing the directories, and an American English female the menus.

I filled the drive again, and ran the script to get directory names
talking. I didn't realise at the time, that RB wasn't on the drive.
I can't see though that this would make any difference.

I've installed RB today about 5 times. The first time it worked, and
with Christi's voice, it began talking menus. I was cycling through
the menus, and accidentally clicked on the language option. This
would normally simply take you to a directory list view. I pressed
menu again immediately, but couldn't get back to speech.

Nothing I could do would then get Christi back!!. In desperation
eventually I deleted both the .rockbox directory, and the archos.mod
file. I've installed them again several times, but no joy, no speech.
I've tried the button sequences as described on the list, and no joy
either. I even tried installing other voice files, that might have
been smaller, however they're all between 1 and 2 megs.

I've got 194MB free on the drive when RB is installed. One slightly
puzzling question, when looking at the documentation which described
the button layout of a jukebox 6000, it says that on the 4 way
control, play is up, stop down, plus left and - right. This is the
opposite to normally, where you'd expect to find - on the left and
plus on the right. I'm sure it is correct, but I just wanted to

I'm running XP, and was told that when using this, it was OK to unplug
the archos whilst the computer is on. The Archos is also still on.

Any help gratefully received.

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